
Flight Attendant Salaries 2015

List of Airlines Hiring Now flight attendants from all over the World

Meanwhile, make sure you build a great CV, fill in a perfect online application and learn how to dress for your assessment day.
If you want to be one step ahead of everybody else, practice for the group exercise and know what to expect from the final interview.
Don’t forget about the 9 mistakes to avoid during an assessment day. 

Flight Attendants salary extent is $ 27,000 to $ 70,000. Beginning compensation is frequently less than $ 30,000. The profession is intense and exceedingly requesting. It is filled basically by female and guys are gradually expanding in number. Flight specialists likewise deal with the security of a flight.The national normal flight specialist pay is $ 37,000. States with most elevated paying pay are Texas (TX) , Minnesota (MN) ,Indiana (IN) , Georgia (GA) and New Jersey (NJ). Pay is regularly high just in metro urban communities, for example Atlanta in Georgia. states with flight attendant salary lower than normal are Utah (UT) and Colorado (CO). In Denver, CO, the pay is lower than the normal of metros. cities with the most astounding paying salary for flight attendant are Dallas and Houston in Texas (TX), New York city (NYC), Seattle, Washington (WA) and Rayleigh , North Carolina (NC). Twelve-month salary is near normal in San Francisco , California and Chicago, Illinois.
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  1. Is the pay per month or that is for the whole year..

  2. Obviously for the whole year
